An inverted painting on my wall...yes, my wall, and yes, it is fullsized and magnificent!

An inverted painting on my wall...yes, my wall, and yes, it is fullsized and magnificent!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ok so its a cheeesy title for a blog, but this is my first one teehee

Nothing like a bit of humor which has no bearing in sense and will not be available for the logical mind to try to grasp, to aid me in naming this blog. I am sure nobody will even see this thing. But if by some random parasympathetic resonance ebbing gently from within my e-being reaches out and finds you, then welcome friend. I am a deadly serious investigator into all things Hermetic and, you could say, Magikal....Magickal?....Majical? well whatever. Words and ritual are not the focus here as much as true knowledge. If everything is from the same source, then nothing is created and thus nothing dies, and nothing is truly material, because what material outside of the All is there to use for creation? WE are All the All....When we say I it is because we suffer from multiple personality disorders in the larger context of a dream we are currently having. Sound crazy enough? well if you like that kind of jibber jabber, then let your lips wander freely! Cuz if you understand even the tip of this iceberg of knowledge, then there are many possibilities of which the inquiring mind wants to know! So SHARE!!!

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