An inverted painting on my wall...yes, my wall, and yes, it is fullsized and magnificent!

An inverted painting on my wall...yes, my wall, and yes, it is fullsized and magnificent!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ok, well now that I have this blog set bout some questions for the day?

Is knowledge based on experience? Scientists say that empirical research is THE best way to arrive at an accurate understanding of the external and internal universe. Beliefs don't really seem to have much weight in a scientific paradigm, and that is a Good thing in my opinion. In order to KNOW something, many people, including myself, feel that direct experience is essential. This, if I may humbly say, applies readily and necessarily for those experiences we have with that layer of this universe, (ourselves included therein), which is for the most part beyond the scope of the accepted five senses. Those involved in any occult or esoteric study, are not just avid philosophers, but rather are the ones who form the seed thoughts for those scientists who make breakthroughs in fields such as quantum physics, or within the fields of therapy and medicine. How many doctors and scientists are now admitting to the awesome powers of the mind to heal or self destruct? How many have been able to design instruments to measure such things as brain wave activity, which at one point was considered knowledge reserved for sages or special secret societies? This "secret knowledge", passed down from adept to initiate throughout the years, has a tendency to be cast aside until some thoughtful person nurtures it into fruition as solid, empirical theory. So the study of such works as the Kybalion, or the ancient paths of Yoga, or Qabbalah, are important for us who thirst for more than the cup of blind faith offered by majority of our people. For those who study the so called "mystical" or "esoteric" paths, we can help push the knowledge of the subtle world. Instead of saying "I believe in God", we can say "I Know God, for I am part of that which is called God" (or whatever name one wants. Anyway, enough blabbin for me. If anyone has a different take on belief versus knowledge or would like to add to this rather long train of thought, please do.

1 comment:

Marie Reed said...

Isn't blogging a blast! It's wonderful to have an ongoing conversation with the werld through it! It is amazing how destructive our thoughts can be. I certainly will be reading your blog so that I can learn how to focus on the positive!