An inverted painting on my wall...yes, my wall, and yes, it is fullsized and magnificent!

An inverted painting on my wall...yes, my wall, and yes, it is fullsized and magnificent!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Scientists are the True Wizards

What is a wizard, or a magic practitioner, or an adept, or sorcerer, or witch? What do they have in common? The use of symbols intoned or inscribed in a specific order to bring about a desired change in reality is the central focus of those magic practitioners in our literary history, fictional or not. While the mainstream religions have taken a starring role in our history books, there have always been those who study reality directly instead of relying on a religious mediator or prophet. Of course, in the past, due to established religious norms dictating laws in almost every country in the world, those seekers after the truth outside of the mainstream religious doctrines, have been labeled heretics, witches, blasphemers, and so on. So many people formed secret societies, not because they wanted to overthrow the major religious authority of the land, but rather because they sought a safe place to gather with like minds who thirsted after actual knowledge of the world, which, to them, seemed all too often separate from the stories told in the temples of their people. The secret societies of every land were the seeds of modern science. For example, the early alchemists studied the properties of metals and the elements in general, which eventually yielded to modern chemistry. Most people know about those types of alchemists. There were also some who espoused the higher science of mental alchemy, the art of transmutation of the mental state to achieve the philosophers stone, or, as I am inclined to believe, the developed mind of a true philosopher. From ancient times, philosophers have guided and enlightened mankind's pursuit of true knowledge, and this pursuit eventually gave birth to the seed of science which is so prevalent today. The secret societies of the past used symbol and ritual to achieve their goals of manipulating matter and consciousness, and from a modern point of view, merely lacked the technology and tools to investigate and carry out these goals effectively. Now, physics, chemistry, neurology, astronomy, mechanics, and every other scientific field uses symbols, placed in a specific order, to explain and ultimately manipulate changes in matter,energy, vibration, and mental states. What is this but magic? Today's scientists are limited by the tools they use just as their counterparts in the past were. Even now, mainstream science relies on the "Five Senses". The subtle, spiritual, and largely hidden aspects of this universe are being probed by the relatively limited tool known as quantum physics, which is trying to find a way to describe the truly vibrational,non-material, and unified nature of our reality. At some point, we may figure out what symbols to use to be able to describe everything, but honestly, the true nature of reality lies beyond words, and thus, beyond the limitations of the five senses. Will we ever be able to scientifically identify and quantify that which is inherently beyond these five senses?

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